Building trust in rice trade Building trust in rice trade April 11, 2012 Rice availability has been considered a key indicator of food security in Asia for many years. Thus,...Read More
Eight driving forces in global agriculture Eight driving forces in global agriculture April 1, 2012 Agricultural commodity prices will remain high for the next 10 years. Income growth in most developing countries...Read More
Waking up a giant in the global food industry Waking up a giant in the global food industry January 10, 2012 The potential of Indian agriculture was central in the talks during India Foodex 2011 and GrainTech India...Read More
Striking a balance Striking a balance January 9, 2012 The 3rd World Rice Conference India’s export machine emerged as the talk of the town in Ho...Read More
Global population versus food production Global population versus food production October 5, 2011 According to recent estimates by the United Nations, the world population will reach 7 billion in October...Read More
Seven billion and counting: What does this mean for global rice food security? Seven billion and counting: What does this mean for global rice food security? October 5, 2011 World population is projected to reach 7 billion by the end of this month (October 2011). Unfortunately,...Read More
The search for direction The search for direction July 4, 2011 The global rice market has been in a subdued state since 2010 (Fig. 1), during which time...Read More
A sleepy rice market: the calm before the storm? A sleepy rice market: the calm before the storm? April 2, 2011 Global food prices are on the rise again. In January, the food price index exceeded the level...Read More
The global rice market: boom or doom? The global rice market: boom or doom? January 7, 2011 The global rice market is on the move again. In the last few months, rice prices have...Read More
Asia pushes for sustainable food security Asia pushes for sustainable food security January 7, 2011 The Asia Society and the International Rice Research Institute task force report, Never an Empty Bowl: Sustaining...Read More