Bred from Louisiana Bred from Louisiana April 2, 2011 The development of rice varieties helps guarantee sustainable rice production in the state of Louisiana and elsewhere...Read More
Greener rice Greener rice February 7, 2011 Fears of food shortages following the rice crisis in 2007 and 2008 have prompted a dramatic shift...Read More
Hybridizing the world Hybridizing the world October 1, 2010 It is fair to say that, without a successful hybrid rice program, China would have struggled to...Read More
Grappling with cold Grappling with cold March 9, 2010 Recent headlines read: Cold spell compounds woes of Palestinian farmers; Cold spell hits farmers in Nueva Vizcaya,...Read More
Rice in the Golden State: California breeding Rice in the Golden State: California breeding October 16, 2009 The successive articles Rice in the Golden State, California breeding, All in it together and On their...Read More
The new frontier The new frontier October 15, 2009 The human population and demand for food are projected to increase in the next 40 years. With...Read More
The revolution keeps rolling The revolution keeps rolling April 21, 2008 It has been well documented that the Asian Green Revolution (GR), which began in the 1960s with...Read More
The aerobic rice reality The aerobic rice reality July 16, 2007 Ask someone to think of a rice field and odds are they’ll imagine a flooded paddy. Growing...Read More
How many rice varieties are there? How many rice varieties are there? October 13, 2006 A common question but very difficult to answer. Depending on your definition of variety, the answer could...Read More
The truth about jasmine rice The truth about jasmine rice October 25, 2003 A simmering controversy boiled over a couple years ago when newspaper articles accused American plant breeders of...Read More