Coping with climate change Coping with climate change July 16, 2007 As if rice farming weren’t hard enough. It is patently clear now that humans have...Read More
Of rice and rats Of rice and rats July 16, 2007 “Nature has sent the rats to our homesteads by thousands, and farmers are being eaten off the...Read More
Rice and the river Rice and the river April 16, 2007 Wars ripped apart the social fabric of the Mekong basin in the 1960s and 1970s, bringing suffering...Read More
The rice man of Africa The rice man of Africa April 16, 2007 With his gentle smile and calm demeanor, Monty Jones doesn’t look like the proverbial...Read More
A balancing act A balancing act April 15, 2007 Population growth is the dominant determinant of the demand for staple food. World population has more than...Read More
In search of new seeds In search of new seeds January 15, 2007 It is said that if you want to be a good gardener you should always sow three...Read More
Considering gender Considering gender January 15, 2007 In many developing countries, women are the primary managers and users of natural resources. Poor rural women...Read More
Asia and sub-Saharan Africa: rice in numbers Asia and sub-Saharan Africa: rice in numbers October 13, 2006 This issue’s Rice facts presents some key information on the rice situation in Asia and selected rice-producing...Read More
Putting rice on the African agenda Putting rice on the African agenda October 13, 2006 Rice was one of the cornerstones of the Asian Green Revolution. Will it play a similar role...Read More
I remember Honda Rice I remember Honda Rice October 7, 2006 The Green Revolution in rice has been documented throughout much of Asia, but few think of Vietnam...Read More