A clearer picture A clearer picture March 14, 2010 Forecasting changes in climate has always been a complex task. However, with the development of new regional...Read More
Odd seasons Odd seasons March 14, 2010 Climate change has often been blamed for unusual weather phenomena, especially the extreme cases. But then again,...Read More
A Tribute to Norman Borlaug A Tribute to Norman Borlaug March 14, 2010 Norman Borlaug received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1970, about 25 years after he began working to...Read More
Winning the upland poverty war Winning the upland poverty war March 14, 2010 For much of the past three decades, the remote uplands of Southeast Asia and Indochina have...Read More
Jasmine meets Jazzman Jasmine meets Jazzman March 9, 2010 Often hailed as the “queen” of rice, Thailand’s Jasmine variety has reigned over many consumers’ palates because...Read More
How a modern rice variety is bred How a modern rice variety is bred March 9, 2010 New rice varieties have revolutionized rice production around the world. Despite devastating stresses attributed to climate change,...Read More
Grappling with cold Grappling with cold March 9, 2010 Recent headlines read: Cold spell compounds woes of Palestinian farmers; Cold spell hits farmers in Nueva Vizcaya,...Read More
Climate change and supply concerns dominate World Rice Conference Climate change and supply concerns dominate World Rice Conference January 21, 2010 The first World Rice Conference organized by The Rice Trader in Mactan, Cebu, Philippines, on 27-29 October...Read More
Grain power Grain power January 10, 2010 “The next agricultural revolution will be driven by advances in plant genetics.” This was the reverberating message...Read More
A legacy of genius A legacy of genius January 10, 2010 Before C4 rice even made it to the drawing board, John Sheehy was already quite famous among...Read More