Rice in the shadow of skyscrapers: Policy choices in East and Southeast Asia Rice in the shadow of skyscrapers: Policy choices in East and Southeast Asia October 1, 2014 During the past few decades, Asia has experienced a period of rapid economic growth that benefited many...Read More
Fire for rice: The origin of Ifugao Tinawon Fire for rice: The origin of Ifugao Tinawon October 1, 2014 There once lived two young brothers, Wigan and Kabigat, who lived with their father, Pudol, in Kayng,...Read More
Fried Ominio rice à la Purple Yam Fried Ominio rice à la Purple Yam October 1, 2014 The Purple Yam is a restaurant in Brooklyn, New York, founded in 2009 by me and chef...Read More
Innovators in rice science Innovators in rice science October 1, 2014 The International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) is recognizing another crop of Outstanding Alumni during an upcoming quadrennial...Read More
Rice revival in the land of maize Rice revival in the land of maize October 1, 2014 Anyone worried about the impacts of trade liberalization on developing-country rice sectors should take a close look...Read More
Harnessing big data for climate change Harnessing big data for climate change October 1, 2014 CGIAR scientists wielding big data tools to blunt the impacts of climate change on Latin America’s rice...Read More
A solid foundation for the next generation of rice researchers A solid foundation for the next generation of rice researchers October 1, 2014 “My ARFUSA experience was extremely enriching for me as I continue with my PhD research on the...Read More
Women who moved mountains Women who moved mountains October 1, 2014 The jostling streams and golden patches that paint the scenery tucked deep in the crevices of the...Read More
Plenary speakers provide grist for discussion at IRC2014 Plenary speakers provide grist for discussion at IRC2014 October 1, 2014 Five experts with wide-ranging knowledge—serving as the plenary speakers during the 4th International Rice Congress (IRC2014)—will be...Read More
Yield increase prospects for rice to 2050 Yield increase prospects for rice to 2050 July 25, 2014 Rice is the most important staple food for more than half the planet’s population, particularly for the...Read More