Fight poverty where it lives Fight poverty where it lives April 14, 2003 The most recent World Food Summit, in 1996, set the target of halving by 2015 the number...Read More
Biotech won’t soon replace “conventional” breeding Biotech won’t soon replace “conventional” breeding April 14, 2003 A defining moment in the history of biology was the elucidation of the laws of genetics by...Read More
Sowing peace in South Asia Sowing peace in South Asia September 24, 2002 Rice and wheat are traditionally planted in rotation in eastern Afghanistan, as they are on much of...Read More
Spreading the word Spreading the word September 24, 2002 India is a world away from Indiana, and none would mistake Sister Sajita Isaac for Johnny Appleseed....Read More
The cereal of the world’s poor takes center stage The cereal of the world’s poor takes center stage September 24, 2002 The milestone publication in the 5 April 2002 issue of Science (Vol. 296) of not one, but...Read More
Mekong harvests Mekong harvests September 10, 2002 Some 2,000 kilometers from its start on the Chinese border, Vietnam’s fabled National Route 1 cuts flat...Read More
Lessons learned in the long term Lessons learned in the long term September 10, 2002 The most intensively cropped experimental site in Asia began four decades ago largely as a demonstration plot...Read More
Essential food for the poor Essential food for the poor September 9, 2002 Approximately 70% of the world’s 1.3 billion poor people live in Asia, where rice is the staple...Read More
Lost horizon restored Lost horizon restored April 9, 2002 Water buffalo and wiry farmers muscle plows through flooded rice paddies. Houses of rough planks and thatch...Read More
Towering legacies Towering legacies April 9, 2002 On a rooftop overlooking Phnom Penh, two Australians pulled the stopper from a bottle of Russian champagne...Read More