Factors contributing to farm-level productivity and household income generation in coastal Bangladesh’s rice-based farming systems Factors contributing to farm-level productivity and household income generation in coastal Bangladesh’s rice-based farming systems December 17, 2021 The findings highlight the importance of off-farm income as a pathway to move smallholders out of poverty....Read More
The spillover effect of direct competition between marketing cooperatives and private intermediaries: Evidence from the Thai rice value chain The spillover effect of direct competition between marketing cooperatives and private intermediaries: Evidence from the Thai rice value chain August 13, 2021 Our analysis suggests that farmers are better off selling their rice if they sell it in the...Read More
Rice to the tiller Rice to the tiller July 24, 2004 Perhaps surprisingly, farmers do not perform most of the labor on rice farms in South and Southeast...Read More
Essential food for the poor Essential food for the poor September 9, 2002 Approximately 70% of the world’s 1.3 billion poor people live in Asia, where rice is the staple...Read More