Climate change action plans for rice farming: from concepts to implementation Climate change action plans for rice farming: from concepts to implementation October 30, 2017 Rice-growing countries in Asia are moving toward the development and implementation of concrete mitigation programs to reduce...Read More
Future rice climates in Africa Future rice climates in Africa June 8, 2017 Future rice production and food security across Africa are under pressure as a result of climate change-induced...Read More
Vietnam: IRRI and partners inaugurate center for climate-smart technologies Vietnam: IRRI and partners inaugurate center for climate-smart technologies February 17, 2015 The International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), the Department of Agriculture and...Read More
Rice on the move Rice on the move October 15, 2014 Understanding and visualizing trends in rice-producing countries is a major task of the Geographic Information Systems (GIS)...Read More
Harnessing big data for climate change Harnessing big data for climate change October 1, 2014 CGIAR scientists wielding big data tools to blunt the impacts of climate change on Latin America’s rice...Read More
Mapping the crop of the future Mapping the crop of the future October 1, 2013 C4 plants such as maize and sorghum have more efficient photosynthesis than C3 plants. The photosynthesis in...Read More
Both politics and monsoons can affect the rice market Both politics and monsoons can affect the rice market April 1, 2013 Global rice prices have been fairly stable since 2012 after a run up in the first half...Read More
Global rice trade faces uncertainty in 2013 Global rice trade faces uncertainty in 2013 January 11, 2013 The Rice Trader’s 4th annual World Rice Conference revealed that the global rice market was hinged on...Read More
A clearer picture A clearer picture March 14, 2010 Forecasting changes in climate has always been a complex task. However, with the development of new regional...Read More