Yield rises with WeRise Yield rises with WeRise April 1, 2015 Unreliable weather can make or break rice farmers that rely on rainfall for water. Climate change makes...Read More
Bouncing back from typhoon Haiyan Bouncing back from typhoon Haiyan January 1, 2015 2 Husband and wife Joven and Lydia Ganapin, farmers in a small village in Babatngon, Leyte, Central Philippines,...Read More
Green Revolutions 2.0 & 3.0: No farmer left behind Green Revolutions 2.0 & 3.0: No farmer left behind January 1, 2015 Several million of the world’s poorest farmers are already adopting one of the first new technologies of...Read More
A passion for growing rice in Venezuela A passion for growing rice in Venezuela January 1, 2015 Finding a way to increase rice production in the country with the largest petroleum reserves in the...Read More
Making rice more competitive in Latin America Making rice more competitive in Latin America January 1, 2015 “Twenty years is nothing,” say the lyrics of a 1930s’ song. But, in 2015, as the Latin...Read More
IRRI’s new breeding factory IRRI’s new breeding factory December 1, 2014 The road toward global food security is not without challenges. The population will balloon to 9 billion...Read More
Reassessing Japan’s development assistance Reassessing Japan’s development assistance December 1, 2014 What country is a major salmon producer and exporter to Japan? The answer is Chile. And what...Read More
Women who moved mountains Women who moved mountains October 1, 2014 The jostling streams and golden patches that paint the scenery tucked deep in the crevices of the...Read More
A never-ending season A never-ending season July 1, 2014 An experiment that has been going on for more than half a century could hold a solution...Read More
Red pearls of the Himalayas Red pearls of the Himalayas July 1, 2014 Himachal Pradesh, the northernmost Indian state on the southern slopes of the Himalayas, could be the closest...Read More