Digital genes Digital genes October 12, 2016 An ambitious project plans to create an online catalog of rice genes in which breeders can choose...Read More
INGER@40—and the crossroads INGER@40—and the crossroads August 12, 2015 2 INGER, the world’s largest agricultural research network, has a long history associated with milestones in rice breeding....Read More
ORYZA model a big hit in global rice research ORYZA model a big hit in global rice research August 6, 2015 2 ORYZA2000, a computer program that simulates growth and development of rice under a wide range of environments,...Read More
Genome editing: a new tool for rewriting the DNA code Genome editing: a new tool for rewriting the DNA code July 23, 2015 In the new era of genomic research, “genome editing” technology has been developed, consisting of new tools...Read More
What are the sustainability implications of closing rice yield gaps? What are the sustainability implications of closing rice yield gaps? July 22, 2015 With increasing human population and decreasing agricultural land area, there is worldwide pressure to increase food production...Read More
Unleashing the rice market Unleashing the rice market January 1, 2015 What is the true price of rice? Do we have enough rice to feed the growing population?...Read More
Green Revolutions 2.0 & 3.0: No farmer left behind Green Revolutions 2.0 & 3.0: No farmer left behind January 1, 2015 Several million of the world’s poorest farmers are already adopting one of the first new technologies of...Read More
Where’s my GM rice? Where’s my GM rice? January 1, 2015 It has been estimated that, for every 1 billion people added to the world’s population, 100 million...Read More
The new green revolution: A bigger rice bowl The new green revolution: A bigger rice bowl December 1, 2014 A seed of rice that could transform the developing world saved Asha Ram Pal’s farm in the...Read More
Dawn of a new era in rice improvement Dawn of a new era in rice improvement July 1, 2014 Traditional rice varieties encompass a huge range of potentially valuable genes. These can be used to develop...Read More