Impact of natural disasters on the efficiency of agricultural production: an exemplar from rice farming in Sri Lanka Impact of natural disasters on the efficiency of agricultural production: an exemplar from rice farming in Sri Lanka June 7, 2021 This study presents a number of policy implications that should be considered by every rice-producing country. It...Read More
Resource-conservation technology for sustainable productivity of intensive rice-based cropping pattern in Bangladesh Resource-conservation technology for sustainable productivity of intensive rice-based cropping pattern in Bangladesh May 25, 2021 Resource-conserving technology is a novel crop management approach for intensive rice-based cropping systems in Bangladesh. The study...Read More
New fertilizer strategies combining manure and urea for improved rice growth in Mozambique New fertilizer strategies combining manure and urea for improved rice growth in Mozambique April 26, 2021 The use of integrated fertilization combining mineral and organic fertilizers has a strong potential and could be...Read More
Upland rice: Cultural keystone species in a Philippine traditional agroecosystem Upland rice: Cultural keystone species in a Philippine traditional agroecosystem February 8, 2021 2 In the Sarangani upland communities, the vital role of rice landraces in ensuring household food security and...Read More
Farmers’ participation is key to faster rice varietal replacement in Odisha Farmers’ participation is key to faster rice varietal replacement in Odisha June 29, 2020 There are several reasons for low varietal replacement rates. These include the lack of extension services and...Read More
Agricultural mechanization shaping the future of Burundi’s rice sector Agricultural mechanization shaping the future of Burundi’s rice sector February 12, 2020 For many African countries like Burundi, agricultural mechanization can be a transformative tool for achieving food security...Read More
Turning rice into wheat: The U.S. origins of large-scale, capital-intensive rice production (1885-1915) Turning rice into wheat: The U.S. origins of large-scale, capital-intensive rice production (1885-1915) March 18, 2019 Farmers in North America met the pressing competitive challenges they faced in the late 19th century through...Read More
Returning to a life with a future Returning to a life with a future March 11, 2019 The journey of tribal farmers in Tamil Nadu, India who escaped the clutches of debt by pursuing...Read More
Guardian of the rice gene galaxy Guardian of the rice gene galaxy February 26, 2019 The International Rice Genebank at the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) made worldwide headlines when it received...Read More
Feeding the world while caring for the planet Feeding the world while caring for the planet February 4, 2019 The International Rice Research Institute’s new research outcome theme on developing environmentally sustainable solutions for rice systems...Read More