Rice varietal cafeterias: An effective extension tool for promoting climate-resilient rice Rice varietal cafeterias: An effective extension tool for promoting climate-resilient rice July 8, 2019 The rice varietal cafeteria provides a space where farmers and other stakeholders interact, discuss, give feedback, learn,...Read More
Strengthening research-to-farm extension channels to improve farmers’ productivity and profitability Strengthening research-to-farm extension channels to improve farmers’ productivity and profitability May 6, 2019 Different extension approaches have been used to bridge the knowledge gap between researchers and farmers. A mix...Read More
How soil and climate-smart agriculture can fight climate change How soil and climate-smart agriculture can fight climate change November 28, 2018 Soil has an immense potential in reducing the concentration of greenhouse gas in the atmosphere by storing...Read More
Reflections on my time at the center of rice research Reflections on my time at the center of rice research November 8, 2018 A former agronomist at the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) looks back at his long and productive...Read More
A balancing act in Africa’s inland valleys A balancing act in Africa’s inland valleys October 29, 2018 Inland valleys are increasingly being considered as Africa’s future food baskets and unlocking their vast potential through...Read More
Rice straw in all ways, always Rice straw in all ways, always October 8, 2018 Rice straw is perceived to have little or no commercial value. But, in Vietnam, where rice straw...Read More
Singapore helps build the next generation of rice scientists Singapore helps build the next generation of rice scientists September 3, 2018 The Lee Foundation Rice Scholarship Program offers South and Southeast Asians in the early stages of their...Read More
The role of the private sector in improving the lives of rice farmers and consumers The role of the private sector in improving the lives of rice farmers and consumers August 31, 2018 It is vital for the public, private, and philanthropic sectors to coordinate their efforts to bring...Read More
The lion and the grain The lion and the grain August 23, 2018 Singapore hosts stakeholders in the rice industry—researchers, producers, traders, regulators, and policymakers—to foster interaction and the advancement...Read More