Training for greater IMPACT Training for greater IMPACT January 11, 2006 Rice research can play a major role in achieving many of the eight United Nations Millennium Development...Read More
Successful technology adoption needs support from both farmers and governments Successful technology adoption needs support from both farmers and governments September 8, 2005 Involving farmers and farming communities in decisions about new agricultural technologies or management practices and allowing them...Read More
Does rice research reduce poverty in Asia? Does rice research reduce poverty in Asia? September 8, 2005 Over the past 4 decades, rice research has achieved substantial progress in developing genetically improved rice varieties...Read More
Do lower rice prices help the poor? Do lower rice prices help the poor? April 3, 2005 The price of rice has consistently fallen over the last 40 years. Since the beginnings of the...Read More
Ups and downs: private-sector investment in rice research Ups and downs: private-sector investment in rice research April 3, 2005 Rice is, arguably, the world’s most important food crop. In spite of this prominence, the private sector...Read More
Saving labor Saving labor October 2, 2004 Living standards can rise only as workers become steadily more productive. For rice farming, improving productivity means...Read More
Biopirates or pioneering conservationists? Biopirates or pioneering conservationists? October 1, 2004 The genebanks of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) are often portrayed in the popular...Read More
Rice to the tiller Rice to the tiller July 24, 2004 Perhaps surprisingly, farmers do not perform most of the labor on rice farms in South and Southeast...Read More
Agronomic UFOs waste valuable scientific resources Agronomic UFOs waste valuable scientific resources July 23, 2004 Discussion of the system of rice intensification (SRI) is unfortunate because it implies SRI merits serious consideration....Read More
System of rice intensification responds to 21st century needs System of rice intensification responds to 21st century needs July 23, 2004 The system of rice intensification (SRI) was developed in Madagascar 20 years ago by Fr. Henri de...Read More