We should use innovation in our strengths and have strength in our innovations We should use innovation in our strengths and have strength in our innovations July 1, 2019 We generate some very useful data and we let that data go to waste by 1) not...Read More
How research-for-development can make an impact on global agri-food systems How research-for-development can make an impact on global agri-food systems June 13, 2019 Often we see research as being “research” and scaling technology as work that development organizations do. What...Read More
We are taking the next step to increase IRRI’s impact We are taking the next step to increase IRRI’s impact June 4, 2019 “The objective is to improve IRRI’s impact profile. The idea is to move away from a project-by-project...Read More
IRRI must continue to be the center of excellence for rice breeding IRRI must continue to be the center of excellence for rice breeding May 28, 2019 “Our vision is to be the center of excellence for rice breeding in the world. We want...Read More
Productivity growth is important for sustainable rice production Productivity growth is important for sustainable rice production November 20, 2017 Definitions of “sustainable” that can be found in dictionaries include “able to be maintained at a certain...Read More
The role of science, technology, and innovation in reducing poverty and hunger The role of science, technology, and innovation in reducing poverty and hunger September 6, 2017 Innovations are occurring in all areas of science and, like the industrial revolution in the early 1800s that...Read More
Helping meet the food needs of every individual through science and technology Helping meet the food needs of every individual through science and technology August 16, 2017 Proven technologies, policies, and institutional resources need to be collectively adopted to ensure the mitigation of stress-driven...Read More
Increasing national rice yields to 6 tons/hectare in the Philippines and elsewhere Increasing national rice yields to 6 tons/hectare in the Philippines and elsewhere June 15, 2017 Self-financed farmer cooperatives are a viable strategy to increase irrigated rice area to attain a national yield...Read More
Continuing global partnership through rice Continuing global partnership through rice March 15, 2017 RICE aims to reduce poverty and hunger, improve human health and nutrition, adapt rice-based farming systems to...Read More
Genebank tourism Genebank tourism March 1, 2016 Even though I managed a large genebank for 10 years at the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI),...Read More