A resistant variety and a biological fungicide show promise in controlling rice blast in Cambodia A resistant variety and a biological fungicide show promise in controlling rice blast in Cambodia September 4, 2019 A resistant variety and a fungus used as a treatment for blast disease offer Cambodian farmers a...Read More
Rice and shine Rice and shine August 28, 2019 A stunning sunrise over IRRI’s Long-Term Continuous Cropping Experiment (LTCCE) in Laguna, the Philippines captured by a...Read More
Alien invasion! Alien invasion! August 7, 2019 The rice eel, an invasive alien species, has become a slippery problem for many farmers in Northern...Read More
Basmati, the queen of perfumed rice Basmati, the queen of perfumed rice July 22, 2019 . Aromatic rice has been cherished for centuries for its flavor but mainly for its exquisite scent...Read More
Rice varietal cafeterias: An effective extension tool for promoting climate-resilient rice Rice varietal cafeterias: An effective extension tool for promoting climate-resilient rice July 8, 2019 The rice varietal cafeteria provides a space where farmers and other stakeholders interact, discuss, give feedback, learn,...Read More
We should use innovation in our strengths and have strength in our innovations We should use innovation in our strengths and have strength in our innovations July 1, 2019 We generate some very useful data and we let that data go to waste by 1) not...Read More
How research-for-development can make an impact on global agri-food systems How research-for-development can make an impact on global agri-food systems June 13, 2019 Often we see research as being “research” and scaling technology as work that development organizations do. What...Read More
We are taking the next step to increase IRRI’s impact We are taking the next step to increase IRRI’s impact June 4, 2019 “The objective is to improve IRRI’s impact profile. The idea is to move away from a project-by-project...Read More
IRRI must continue to be the center of excellence for rice breeding IRRI must continue to be the center of excellence for rice breeding May 28, 2019 “Our vision is to be the center of excellence for rice breeding in the world. We want...Read More