In retrospect: IRRI Annual Report 1979 In retrospect: IRRI Annual Report 1979 August 24, 2020 The challenges to rice researchers and farmers in 1979 have many elements in common with those faced...Read More
A tapestry of rice, earth, and soul A tapestry of rice, earth, and soul August 18, 2020 The people of the Philippine Cordillera Region are so devoted to rice that they carved terraces out...Read More
Our traditions and our heirloom rice are special Our traditions and our heirloom rice are special August 16, 2020 “I feel very happy when I see my crops growing and I anticipate a big harvest,” Evelyn...Read More
Heirloom rice is more than food or commodity Heirloom rice is more than food or commodity August 14, 2020 We like to say that Filipinos love their rice but my time at the Heirloom Rice Project...Read More
Conserving and increasing productivity and value of the heirloom rice in the Philippine Cordillera Conserving and increasing productivity and value of the heirloom rice in the Philippine Cordillera August 10, 2020 3 As the Heirloom Rice Project concludes its two phases, we review some of the notable accomplishments delivered...Read More
In retrospect: IRRI Annual Report 1978 In retrospect: IRRI Annual Report 1978 August 7, 2020 3 Our potential for future international cooperation was greatly enhanced in 1978 by the development of active cooperation...Read More
Enriching the indigenous gems of the Philippine Cordillera through postharvest interventions Enriching the indigenous gems of the Philippine Cordillera through postharvest interventions August 3, 2020 By enabling farmers to reduce their losses and add value to their traditional rice varieties with modern...Read More
Rural women in Myanmar reap the benefits of sustainable rice farming practices Rural women in Myanmar reap the benefits of sustainable rice farming practices August 3, 2020 A study on the impact of sustainable rice farming on rural women in Myanmar revealed that smallholder...Read More
In retrospect: IRRI Annual Report 1977 In retrospect: IRRI Annual Report 1977 July 28, 2020 IRRI researchers are playing a vital role in identifying the socioeconomic constraints to rice production and in...Read More
In retrospect: IRRI Annual Report 1976 In retrospect: IRRI Annual Report 1976 July 17, 2020 In 1976, IRRI scientists and cooperators in national programs continued to evolve a research approach for the...Read More