March 5, 2025

1 thought on “Breeding a grain of life in LAC

  1. On behalf of Christian Thierfelder I cnaont agree with statement 3 as we have adoption of the described systems in Zambia, Malawi and to a certain extend in Zimbabwe.Perhaps adoption of hectares is not as large as in Latin America but there are considerable numbers of farmers practicing all three principles of CA.I have problems with the attempt of statement 5: What is the use of broadening an already accepted, understood and used crop management systems? Why do we need to lump every positive technology component “known to man” into this? What do we gain? We know that good nutrient management is required (as is for every other agriculture system). For SSA supplementary irrigation is often not applicable (but should be desirable). Information and knowledge is important, no doubt, but why does this has to be part of a “new” definition….???I do however fully agree with statement 6!Peter Hobbs puts statement 7 into context. I firmly believe that farmer experimentation and research should go hand in hand and one does not lead the other. I also do not want to fall back into linear research approaches where we first develop the technologies, pass it on to extension who finally try to push it down the throat of farmers. Farmers should work together with many stakeholders to make CA function in their specific agro-ecological environment. I expect much more form this. More important than understanding is the need for “overcoming” the challenges.On statement 10: I would include a stronger statement on the impact of CA on Gender (especially on labour distribution/reduction for women)On statement 11: I would try to better document adoption first before looking at the disadoption. A comprehensive adoption study in SSA would really help us clarify things instead of jumping into conclusions (see statement 3)With those few thoughts, I hope we can do some modifications.All the best,Christian

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